
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:朴美颖[1] 翁丽霞[1] 王蓉[1] PIAO Mei - ying, WENG Li - xia, WANG - Rong (Ningbo University of Technology, Ningbo,Zhejiang, 315016, China)


出  处:《宁波工程大学学报》2017年第4期 117-120,共4页Journal of Ningbo University of Technology

摘  要:关于许多中国人日语学习者来说,日语拟声拟态词的理解和应用是一个难点。使用教科书、词典等传统的学习工具,学习者难以掌握一些词之间的细微差别。根据日语拟声拟态词学习难点,将它们总结、略论、分类,日语论文题目日语论文,拙论在这些略论、分类的基础上丧计了一个日语拟声拟态词自主学习系统JOMLS(Japanese Onomatopoeia Autonomous Leaming Systern),并对该系统的有效性进行了实验评价。For many Japanese learners in China, it is difficult to understand and use the Japanese onomatopoeic mimetic words. And it is also hard to master the nuances on some words by using textbooks and learning tools. The paper, in the light of difficulties in learning Japanese onomatopoeic mimetic words and based on the related analysis and classifications, designs the Japanese Onomatopoeia Autonomous Learning System, JOMLS and evaluates the effectiveness of the system with experiments .

关 键 词:拟声词 拟态词 自主学习系统 动漫 

分 类 号:H369.3[语言文字—日语]
