
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李晓雪 LI Xiaoxue (School of Foreign Languages, Hubei Univ. of Tech. , Wuhan , 430068)


出  处:《湖北工业学院学报》2017年第6期85-88,108共5页Journal of Hubei University of Technology

摘  要:同义词类义为中心,围绕中日汉字词汇问由于形态异同而产生的不对应现象,日语论文题目,以学习中常出现的误用词为线索,采用对比的方式,对中日两国汉字词汇构词特点进行略论和比较,日语论文,旨在弄清各自语言体系中汉字词汇的发展规律及其相互间的作用和影响,探明汉字词汇在中日语言文化史上的地位和影响。Japanese contains a comparatively large proportion of Chinese characters, which should be paid enough attention to. Learners should not just be satisfied with the literal meaning. It is es- sential for them to master word-forming features of Chinese characters in Chinese and Japanese. Focusing on the analysis of synonym and near-synonym, this paper compares the different ways of word-formation between Chinese Characters in Chinese and Japanese, aiming to find out the regular pattern of lexicon evolution of Chinese Characters in two languages, as well as their interaction. By analyzing the errors of learners' use of Chinese characters in Japanese, this paper proves that there are non-corresponding phenomenon between Chinese characters in Chinese and Japanese, which is caused by different word-forming rules.

关 键 词:前置词 表意性 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
