
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李素杰[1] LI Su-jie (School of Foreign Languages, Yantai University, Yantai 264003 )


出  处:《山东外语教学》2017年第1期47-51,共5页Shandong Foreign Languages Journal

基  金:烟台学院青年基金项目“视点理论下日语表达方式的探讨”(立项编号:wy11z03)和山东省社科规划青年项目“交际信息学视角下的言语意义探讨”(批准号:10DWXJ07)的阶段性探讨成果

摘  要:日语发话视点的语言,日语论文题目,其中部分词汇本身附有人称限制标识。表达感情色彩的形容词及形容动词用于叙述第三人称行为时,需要添加发话人主观态度的语态,体现了自我是语言主体认知的原点。被动句中的主体认知视点,授受表达中基于发话人视点的人称制约及相关动词的选择使用等,一方面反映了内外、上下、尊卑、亲疏等社交联系语境下的人称转换,日语毕业论文,更主要反映出交际活动中动态语境下交际完成的语言选择及顺应的语用策略。Japanese language well reflects speakers' perspective, which means some words are embedded with the constraint of persons. When emotion-adjectives and verb - adjectives are used to describe a third person action, the voice conveying the speaker' s personal attitude tends to be applied, which indicates that the speaker is the base point in the cognition of the linguistic subject. The use of speakers' perspective in the passive voice, the constraint of persons based on speakers' viewpoint in expressions of giving and receiving and the subsequent choice of appro- priate verbs, on the one hand, reflect the shift of persons in the context of social relationships in terms of family or in-laws, superiors or subordinates, respect or humility, kinship or non-kinship; and more importantly, they exem- plify the pragmatic strategies of word selection and adaptation to fulfill the task of communication in the dynamic context of social interactions.

关 键 词:发话人视点 人称代词 语用制约 交际语境 

分 类 号:H030[语言文字—语言学]
