
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:靳成[1] JIN Cheng (Jiangsu Teachers University of Technology,Changzhou 213001,China)


出  处:《常州信息职业技术大学学报》2017年第1期 85-88,共4页Journal of Changzhou Vocational College of Information Technology

摘  要:中日交流与合作迅猛发展的今天,如何妥善表达彼此诉求正成为一个越来越重要的问题。中日请求表达模式上存在较大异同。受儒家文化以及多民族融合的作用,中国人的请求表达具有如下特征,即句式简单;注重称呼语的使用;有话直说,开门见山;不存在男女用语之分。与此相对,由于深受其传统"和"文化作用,日本人在表达请求时,句式复杂多变,因人而异;一般不使用称呼语;喜欢使用委婉表达,给对方留有选择余地;有男女用语之别。With the rapid development of Sino-Japanese exchange and cooperation,how to properly express the demands of each other is becoming an increasingly important issue.There is a big difference in expression patterns of Sino-Japanese request.By Confucian culture and multi-ethnic integration,Chinese express a request with the following characteristics,namely,using simple sentences;focusing on the use of salutation,being straight to the point and no language distinction between men and women.In contrast,under the influence of traditional Yamato culture,Japanese express a request by means of complex sentences with individual variation;generally they do not use salutation,but frequently use euphemisms and different terms for men and women.

关 键 词:文化背景 

分 类 号:H365[语言文字—日语]
