
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


关键词:描写翻译探讨  语篇语言学  社会文化语境








(1)River Snow//A hundred mountains and no bird,/ A thousand paths without a footprint;/A little boat, a bamboo cloak,/ An old man fishing in the cold river-snow.

(2) Snow on the River//No singing of birds in the mountain ranges/No footprints of men on a thousand trails/there is only one boat on the water/with an old man in a straw rain cape/who stands on deck and fishes by himself/where the snow falls on the cold river.

(3) Fishing in Snow//From hill to hill no bird in flight;/From path to path no man in sight./ A straw-cloak’d man in a boat, lo!/Fishing on river clad in snow.

(4) Fishing in Snow//From hill to hill no bird in flight;/From path to path no man in sight./A lonely fisherman afloat/Is fishing snow in lonely boat.

(5) River Snow//Myriad mountains---not a bird flying./Endless roads---not a trace of men./Only an old fisherman in a lonely boat,/Angling silently in the river covered with snow.

(6) Snow on the River// On a thousand hills all birds life is cut off,/ On ten thousand paths there is no trace of human footsteps;/In a lonely boat the old man with the bamboo hat and cape/ Sits by himself fishing the river in the winter snow. 

(7) The Snowbound River//O’er mountains and mountains no bird is on the wing;/On thousand lines of the pathways there’s no footprint./In a lone boat on the snowbound river, an old man,/In palm-bark cape and straw hat, drops his angle string.





如:(5)myriad和endless译“千、万”,这样既传达诗人的意向,也更易为读者接受。翻译“径”时,七译中(1)、(3)、(4)、(6)path,英语论文范文,(2)trail,(5)road,(7)pathway。据《牛津》,pathway解“小路”时同path(7)用 pathway弥补path音节过短之憾,road范围太宽泛,trail“尤用于穿过不平坦的郊野的小径”,结合丘陵地形的大环境,此处trail译“径”似最佳。对于“人踪”,(1)与(7)均用footprint。而据《牛津》,footprint:impression of a human/animal foot显然和“人踪”不能等同,因动物的脚印也可用footprint。        
