Emotion is a more complex and stable experience on the physical attitude, whose specific forms are happiness, sadness, anger, etc. However, metaphor acts as a bridge between the concrete and abstract things, offering the possibility for understanding emotions. Emotional metaphor is one kind of metaphor, and happiness is one of the most important human emotions. Therefore, people use metaphors of the abstract emotion of happiness on the basis of perception and cognition, making the abstract emotion vividly expressed.
In this study, a variety of emotion metaphors in both English and Chinese are investigated. Meanwhile, it reclassifies the happiness metaphor and discusses the characteristics and the types of happiness metaphor. After a comprehensive analysis and comparison, following conclusions can be drawn: the concept of emotion metaphors in English and Chinese shows the similarities and differences to a certain degree. Take one for example: English often uses natural phenomena to express emotions, such as happiness is “pleasant weather”, while Chinese conceptualizes happiness as “a happy God”. Several reasons caused such difference, such as different cultural contexts and physical environment. And different culture’s characteristics play an important role in metaphor studies.
Keywords: happiness emotion metaphor comparison culture
探讨整理了英汉语中两种情感的隐喻,对“喜悦”的情感进行重新分类,英语论文范文,研讨“喜悦”情感隐喻各类别间的联系和实质。经过比较得出结论:英汉情感隐喻在一定程度上表现出它们的相似性和不同点。比如英语中通常会应用自然现象来表示情感,如喜悦是“宜人的天气”,而汉语则把喜悦概念化为“快活似神仙”。 这种异同归因于英汉民族不同的文化背景和地理环境,文化特征在隐喻探讨中的影响不可小觑。
关键词: 喜悦;情感隐喻;对比;文化