
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19




Stephen King (1947-) is a fruitful writer for best seller books. His works have been translated into more than thirty languages, published in thirty countries and have been the libretto for more than seventy films. By the year of 2017, Stephen King had published seventy books and hundreds of short stories, which made him creating the miracle of American publishing history.
Stephen King’s works fully reflects the postmodern art of beauty contained in the Gothic tradition. The unparalleled levels of media attention and readership have been comparable with critical enthusiasm. These critics evaluate and judge each of Stephen’s work in micro and macro perspectives. In Shawshank’s Redemption, from new Gothic angle, King showed the readers the hero Andy’s miraculous fugitive and especially the spirit of perseverance and patience. It is necessary to make a thorough investigation and study on Shawshank’s Redemption to learn how the ample expression of the originality of new Gothic in Shawshank’s Redemption gives readers a new insight into contemporary American society and culture. However, critics did not do so. Therefore, it is the author’s intention in this thesis to explore the themes from the angle of new Gothic and to discuss the new Gothic world unfolded in Shawshank’s Redemption in comparison with Gothic tradition. 

Key words: Neo-gothic; Stephen King;  Shawshank’s Redemption 
