
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19



关键词:中西方幽默 异同 原因


Humor plays a significant role in people’s daily life. It can make us happy and relieve our anxiety and stress. It is just because of its functions that humor is widely used in many aspects. However, due to different culture background, Chinese humor is different from English humor. What is thought funny in one culture might be considered nonsense or misunderstood in another. Thus we need to know the differences so as to appreciate the humor better. By using the comparative and descriptive approaches, this thesis makes contrasts between Chinese and English humor in many aspects such as origin, content, function, skills, technique and the way of producing. Diverse social values, different thought patterns, different social systems and culture background all account for these distinction.

Key words: Chinese and English humor ; differences; causes

1. Introduction
    Humor is an active part both of written language and oral presentation. As a kind of special linguistic art, it is applied widely in literary works and films and TV works. With foreign communication becoming more and more popular, people begin to realize that if they want to understand the humor in English, only mastering the accurate grammar structure and rich vocabulary are not enough. Because of cultural and linguistic differences, Chinese humor and English humor have formed their own styles, which will be a big obstacle to target language reader to comprehend exactly the deep meaning of humor in English and will easily lead to misreading.
