
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19





With the development of economy and social culture, advertising has become a part of people’s life. Chinese culture of human society is profound and extensive, advertisement as a product of social development will be affected by cultural influence. In the globalization and internationalization of the modern society, the differences between Chinese and western cultural are very obvious and inevitable, and advertisement is deeply connected to culture. Due to the cultural difference between Chinese and western, the advertisers have different ideas and opinions, thus the AD men will have different interpretations of the goods. As a "Best Line”, advertisement plays the very important part of success or failure of advertising effectiveness. The universality and charm of advertisement is largely depended on AD language. The AD languages are vividly described the product function and service commitments of the product. And at the same time the AD languages cause the resonance of the consumers’ ideology through the advertisement to attract people and make deeply impression in consumers’ brain. The advertisement is also connected with culture. This dissertation from the perspective of Chinese and western culture will contrast. It is combining with the management idea of Nestle by analyzing the differences of cultural factors.  The author hopes that it can provide some beneficial enlightenment to Chinese companies for the future.

Key words: culture; advertisement;marketing
