罗伯特•弗罗斯特的诗歌是现代诗歌中的一朵奇葩。弗罗斯特本人则代表着一种不同于主流的现代主义,他自己则是另类的现代主义诗人。他的诗歌创作理“感觉之声(the sound of sense)”, 贯穿了他一生的诗歌创作生涯,英语论文,他一生都在呼吁诗人要把握日常生活中的话语并将其创造性地应用到诗歌中。 他的视角总是放在周围的人的身上,关注人的生活是弗罗斯特诗歌的特点。他诗歌中的主人公的原形都是弗罗斯特的朋友及其周围所观察到的人,而他的诗歌总是展现人们生活状态的某个很短的时段。本文将重点放在弗罗斯特的诗歌创作理念上并通过略论弗罗斯特的三首诗:《完了,完了(Out, Out)》、《家葬(Home Burial)》、《雇工之死(The Death of the Hired Man)》来展现弗罗斯特的诗歌风格和艺术特征,特别是弗罗斯特的人文情怀。
Robert Frost’s poems are striking of modern poetry. Frost represents a different kind of modernists; his notion is in different degree of modernism. “The sound of sense” is his theory of creating poems. He appealed that sounds in daily life should be captured by poet and put into verses. He always focuses on the people around him, especially those in the wake of the world in New England. Most of his poems are about moments of life at a particular time. This dissertation focuses on Frost’s notion,“the sound of sense”, and his three poems Out, Out, Home Burial, the Death of Hired Man, to make the thesis of this dissertation conspicuous that Frost always keeps his eyes on reality and the life of people, especially those around him in the rural New England.
Key words: modern poetry, modernism, sound of sense, reality, life, communication, understanding
1. Introduction
1.1 Backgrounds
During late 19th century to the early 20th century, with the change of cultural trends a very large and far-reaching philosophical movement---modernism gradually came into being. In all the factors, the development of modern industrial society and rapid urbanization as well as the subsequent fear of war play a vital role in the formation of modernism. Modernism rejected the belief of Enlightenment thoughts, and many of the modernists have refused traditional values. One of obvious characteristics of modernism is self-consciousness, which leads to a series of experiments on forms, and the creative application of processing methods and techniques in aspects of painting, poetry and architecture, which obtained great concern. Modernism explicitly denies the ideology of reality, and take advantage of the past works through the application of repetition, merger, rewritten, generalization, correction and parody. ,英语论文 |