
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


This study aims to investigate the effects of English films and TV dramas appreciation on cultivating Chinese college students’ intercultural communication competence. Films and TV dramas are the microcosm of a nation’s cultural life, so English films and TV dramas appreciation is an important way for Chinese college students to learn western nations’ cultural background. The contents of a nation’s culture are quite extensive, but films show various aspects of these cultures vividly to the audience through dynamic pictures. The unique features of English films and TV dramas make it an uncommonly powerful learning tool to enhance Chinese college students’ intercultural communication competence. Therefore, on the basis of researches and scientific theories, the paper puts forward four practical suggestions on how to appreciate the English films and TV dramas efficiently: choosing materials from easy to difficult, choosing materials by classification repeated watching, as well as memorizing and applying.

Key words: English films and TV dramas appreciation; intercultural communication competence; college students



关键词:英语影视欣赏 ;跨文化交际能力 ;学院生

1. Introduction
  Culture is a concept which has complex content, and it includes knowledge, beliefs, policy, art, law, ethics, customs, abilities and habits formed by people as social members. Hall (1959:186) reminds us “Culture is communication and communication is culture.” Communication and culture are inseparable. With the global economic integration and the increasing exchanges between the outside world and China, effective intercultural communication becomes an important topic. As the future builders of China, Intercultural communication competence includes not only language skills, but also cultural competence, which is the appreciation and understanding of foreign cultures. In order to cultivate Chinese college students’ intercultural communication competence, language teaching and culture teaching have been combined together in English class. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t improve Chinese college students’ intercultural competence efficiently because usually there is only one or two Listening and Speaking lessons per week when students are in first two years, even some sophomores do not have to study English once they pass CET6. Consequently it is difficult to improve college students' intercultural communicative competence just relying on these lessons in school.
