
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


This paper contrastively analyses the characteristics of formal and informal languages                      in Business English letters. In the study, this article specifically compares the two main aspects of formal and informal languages from the point of lexis and syntax in business English letters. The article analyzes the differences in wording choosing and wording expression, from the perspective of vocabulary. It analyzes the differences in sentence structure and special forms of expression in sentence, from the perspective of syntax.  The aim of the study is to help students and businessmen write high quality business English letters and to achieve effective business communication by business English letters.

Key words: Business English letters; formal language; informal language; contrastive analysis




1. Introduction
The language of business communication has been frequently defined as “ritualistic” and “formulaic” (Ellis & Johnson, 1994; Vergaro, 2017), and although the community members’ nationality can be very varied, there are certain aspects of business communication that are culturally shared throughout the world for pragmatic reasons. However, in the context of global commerce they are bound to use English in an international accepted way in order to make themselves understood and carry out their transactions accordingly. [1]
However, surveys conducted by interact pointed out that English speaking companies regularly come across language and cultural barriers when they want to make business with companies abroad. The violation of social-pragmatic rules creates miscommunication problems that may not be forgiven by native speakers or other interlocutors or readers who are better trained in social interaction.
Therefore, this paper contrastively analyzes the characteristics of formal and informal languages in Business English letters in order to help the members of the business discourse community or employees of large companies write more effective business English letters.
