
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

在主要的几个英语国家都曾发生多次大规模的女权运动英语论文范文,女性的地位和权力因此得以改善, 但直至今日, 我们发现,很多对于性别平等的承诺未曾兑现,性别歧视现象仍随处可见。 语言歧视现象虽然有所改善, 但改善程度微乎其微。故本文希望结合语料库略论女权运动词汇作用作用程度,以求从语言角度探究女权运动的发展状况。

关键词:女权运动, 语言歧视现象, 词汇变迁, 语料库


Some major English-speaking countries have seen several waves of feminist movements of large scale, and have also seen the increased status of women. Yet, until today, those commitment once promised are not fully honored, and sexual discrimination can be easily found. One manifestation of sexism is sexist language,英语论文题目,which has only been changed to a small degree. The thesis, thus, with the help of several corpuses, searches words according to the schedule of feminist movements in order to discuss the influence the feminist movements have on vocabulary changes and the degree of influence.

Key words: feminist movement, sexist language, vocabulary changes, corpus

1.    Introduction
Feminism, the throughout philosophy of feminist movement, is an embranchment of western individualism, a result of conflicts between patriarchy and the individual trend of society. In major western countries, there are several feminist movements on a massive scale. Women have fought for their equal rights and increased their status all around. One obvious manifestation is the change in English vocabulary. Language as a reflection of political, social and cultural development, its vocabulary change would record the progression or retrogression of social events, one of which is feminist movement.
 Some often see a direct, even causal link between women’s subordinate status in society and the androcentrism in language. For them language reform is a key to changing women’s subordination in society. Other views among feminists do not assign such a central role to language. Consequently their desire for language change is less urgent. Some believe it is important to eliminate this form of sexism, whereas others think it unnecessary to expend energy on a relatively trivial matter of sexual inequality. The thesis would analyze the data collected from corpus to support further reform of language. Because language is the carrier of thoughts, if being reformed, it will instill less sexism to the next generation.
