
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19





As one kind of speech act, requests appear to be rather important in our daily life. Requests are actualized by means of request strategies. With more and more Chinese people learning and speaking English, the contrastive study on English and Chinese request strategies is of great pedagogical sense. With an investigation of 60 native speakers of English and Chinese and the analysis of the collected data and other researchers’ findings, this study illustrates the main differences concerning the use of English and Chinese request strategies. Additionally, the study also explores two key influencing factors in the choice of English and Chinese request strategies, namely, social distance and dominance of power.
Key words: Request strategies; questionnaire survey; main differences; influencing factors

1.    Introduction
Pragmatics as a subfield of linguistics mainly concerns the ways in which context contributes to meaning. It is a newly emerging subject and was acknowledged as an independent subject in the 1970s due to the publication of Journal of Pragmatics, a hallmark event. Since then, linguists at home and abroad have made substantial studies on pragmatics and have made some great achievements, such as speech act theory and the theory of conversational implicature.
With the development of pragmatics and the intensive studies on speech acts, request also receives more and more attention. Requests are face-threatening acts, acts that can be a threat to others’ face. However, as a specific speech act, request plays an important role in our daily life. Since face-threatening acts are inevitable in social communication, to reduce the damage caused by these kinds of acts to the minimum is the purpose of the study of speech acts. Requests, if not properly handled, will easily cause damage to both the speakers and the hearers.
