
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


恭维是人们日常交际中频繁使用的一种礼貌言语行为。 恭维及其应答构成了人们言语交际能力的一个方面。在日常生活中,英语论文范文,正确认识理解恭维语并作出相应的回应,不仅可以缩短交际者之间的距离,还可以联络感情。本文从实证探讨开始,参照Chen Rong的探讨数据,对比其差异处及发展,并指出这种发展的利与弊。


Compliments, as a type of speech act, are frequently applied in social communication. Issues concerning how to offer compliments and respond to them appropriately constitute an essential component of communicative competence. Complimenting is a particularly suitable speech act to investigate when comparing cultures, because it acts as a window through which we can view what is valued by a particular culture. This study starts with an empirical research between native Chinese speakers and native English speakers, and then makes a comparison of mine with his and makes out its development on a basis of the data collected by Chen Rong’s research.

Key words: compliment response; study

1.    Introduction
The study of comliment responses has been one of the most concerned issues in recent dacades because the rapid expansion of worldwide transportation and communication networks make today’s world a “global village”. Owing to different cultural background, differences of compliment responses becomes obstacles to communicate between Wesrners and Chinese. Therefore, it’s an urgent need to renew the iformation of the study on this topic, especially for those who wants to communicate or deal with business with Westerners. Just image how we are embarrassed when we get the wrong messages from them, say some improper words and response inappropriately.
In addition, although extensive research has been conducted on Wesrern compliments, and Chinese scholars has also made some achievements in recent years, with the phenomenon of “global village”, some priciples they applied are not suitable nowadays. Owing to the convenient communication worldwhile, people influence each other from different perspectives, making their compliment responses changing by the people they keeps. Identifying the intentions of the people you are complimented and paying appropriate compliment responses is getting more and more important. 
