
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Abstract and Key Words

Abstract: With the deepening of economic globalization, China has witnessed its international trade developing by leaps and bounds. Currently, business negotiation has already become one the indispensable means of global trade. This paper introduces the related aspects of business negotiation from the macro perspective beginning with the introduction and brief analysis of principals of negotiation. Then negotiation styles are described on the different cultural background of various regions and areas in the world. Contrasted analyses are adopted to introduce the different negotiation styles of Western and Asian countries. Communication plays its indispensable part in the whole process of business negotiation. Among which described skills, asking skills and answering skills as well as persuasion skills are extremely essential. Therefore, a familiar and flexible application of these skills is rather important to the successful conclusion of business negotiation.

Key words: business negotiation; style; language skills    

摘要: 随着经济全球化的进一步深化,中国的国际贸易日益发展。眼下,商务谈判已然成为全球贸易的必要手段之一。本文从宏观方面介绍了商务谈判的相关内容,从谈判的准则入手,简要介绍了谈判的基本准则。随之,针对不同地域的不同文化背景,本文对谈判风格加以阐述,英语论文,介绍了欧美国家以及亚洲国家商人的谈判风格,并加以对比。整个商务谈判过程都离不开语言沟通,其中,阐述技巧、提问与回答技巧、说服技巧显得尤为重要。因此,熟练并灵活应用上述技巧对商务谈判的成功至关重要。

关键词:商务谈判  风格   语言技巧

1. Introduction
With China’s opening up to a larger extent in the process of internationalization, China has witnessed frequent foreign enterprises of various economic and trade activities. On the one hand, the decision-making and planning are conducted even more rapidly, on the other hand, a series of complex negotiations are taking on to a new agenda. International business negotiation are carrying out more economic and trade activities between countries through negotiation in many cases, their qualities may even determine the success and failure of the trade or cooperation. Practice shows that the key of success of international business negotiations lies not primarily on the use of negotiation skills, but on the good mastering of the concept for the negotiations.
Different countries or regions of the merchants have different historical traditions and political and economic systems, and their cultural background and values are also obviously distinguished from other parts of the world. Therefore, their business negotiation styles also vary a great lot. In international business negotiations, ridiculous mistakes would occur without understanding these different styles. Thus, people may miss their opportunity for success in many negotiations. To fulfill our mission in business negotiations, we must be familiar with different business negotiating style of the countries around the world.
