
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


With the rapid development of the world economy, more and more people pay attention to the world economy. Thus, there are many economic discourses appeared on economic magazines. And reporters always use metaphor to describe the changeable economic world. And the using of metaphor sometimes makes readers feel confused to understand what the reporter wants to mean. Because of its popularity and importance, I choose this as my final thesis. The aim of this thesis is to help readers better understand the economic discourses. 
The article first introduces the key terms and definitions involved in the thesis, and then focuses on the different metaphor categories in the economic discourse. The article makes a detailed analysis on the usage of different metaphorical expressions with abundant examples that are frequently used in economic discourse in an attempt to help the readers better understand the varied metaphors and their types.

Key Words:  metaphor  economic discourse  varied types

摘 要

随着世界经济的飞速发展,英语毕业论文,越来越多的人开始关心世界经济。因此越来越多的经济报道出现在各种各样的报纸和杂志上。新闻工作者们经常用隐喻来形容变化多端的经济世界。然而有的时候人们对经济学中的隐喻感到非常困惑, 他们不能够理解喻体所要表达的具体含义。本文应用隐喻的一些相关理论来略论经济篇章中的隐喻现象,以帮助读者更好地理解经济篇章中隐喻的含义。

关键词:隐喻 经济篇章 不同类型

1 Introduction
With the rapid development of the world economy, an increasing number of people begin to pay attention to the economic news. People can readily read some economic discourse in newspapers, magazines and other materials in recent years. According to Coulthard“economic discourse is a general term for the language used in the economic field.” And the function of economic discourse is to convey economic tendency to the public. In order to make economic discourse much more vivid, a lot of rhetorical methodologies are used by a great number of scholars and professors in this field.

