
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


Language is not only a tool for communication, but also a mirror of the real world. It can reflect various cultural thoughts and social phenomenon. As a kind of  long-standing social phenomenon, sexism must be reflected on the language and its usage. In recent years, the relationship between language and gender has become a hot topic of sociolinguistics. The most obvious performance of English sexism is asymmetric usage of vocabulary. Markedness is quite a common phenomenon in English, referring to a certain asymmetry within a category. This article analyzes sexism in English language in terms of formal marking, distributional marking and semantic marking from the perspective of markedness theory. The markers of gender nouns are relatively simple, the main form is that masculine nouns are unmarked, while feminine nouns are marked. In order to get rid of sexism, it is necessary to completely eliminate people’s traditional biased concept about man and woman so that the real equality between the sexes can be achieved.

Key Words: sexism   markedness theory   gender

摘  要


关键词:性别歧视  标记理论  性别

1 Introduction
Language is a vehicle for communicating thought and transferring information, which plays an important role in historical development of human beings. It reflects people’s cognition of objective things as well as thinking pattern. Since language is created, it has been changing with historical development. Therefore, it can give real expression to social situations at that time. Originally, language sexism does not sexist, however, in the long process of history, because men and women’s social division of labour and environment in which they are raised are different, language forms its gender differential. And this differential is most obvious in application of languages, which is called sexism in languages.
