
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

摘 要

委婉语是一种社会语言现象, 渗透于社会的方方面面-贸易、广告、经济、教育、政治、外交等等。另外, 委婉语在英语中使用极其广泛, 并在不断地更新, 在交际中起着润滑剂的影响, 避免了由于说话者的直言不讳而造成听者不悦的情绪, 以及矛盾和尴尬局面的产生。
谈判是国际贸易中一个不可缺少的因素, 对公司的收益, 国家的经济来源起着关键的影响。但是, 由于谈判桌上不同的立场和观点, 有时会使谈判陷入僵局。因此, 谈判人员必须尽快找到解决矛盾的措施, 促使谈判迈向成功。委婉语, 理所当然是处理难堪局面的一种行之有效的手段。



Euphemism is a social phenomenon of language, permeating all aspects of society: trade, advertisement, economy, education, politics, diplomacy, etc. In addition, euphemism is widely used in English, and updates constantly, which works as a lubricant in communication, avoiding the conflicts and the deadlock caused by the speaker's outspoken and listener unpleasant emotions.
Negotiation is an indispensable factor in international business, promoting the enterprise and national economy. However, due to the different positions and views on the table, sometimes it can lead to the negotiations impasse. Therefore, the negotiators must find a proper way to solve the contradiction to achieve a great success. Euphemism, of course, is a kind of effective means of dealing with the embarrassment.
In business negotiation, with the purpose of achieving indirect expressions, there are can a variety of linguistic means. Different expressions of euphemism have a different effect on business negotiation. Besides, euphemism has its pragmatic functions. On one hand, it can sustain the efficiency of taboo; on the other hand, it can keep good interpersonal relations to promote the smooth process of communication.

Key words: euphemism; business negotiation; expressions; pragmatic functions

1 Introduction
1.1 Definition of Euphemism
As a cultural phenomenon, euphemism is widespread in the language communication between China and other foreign counties, even infiltrates in all aspects of daily communication. In the process of verbal communication, it is acquiescent to use an appropriate expression for something straight; otherwise, it would probably end in an embarrassing situation. If people adopt this frank way, it could make everyone feel very upset and don’t like talk any more. Therefore, to build a harmonious interpersonal relationship, each language in the world has its own euphemism which is used widely, and to some extent, it can be a reflection on the cultural characteristics of a country or a nation.
