
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

摘  要




Nonverbal communication mainly refers to negotiators’ behaviors, postures and so on. It is an objective norm expressing the mind and body condition of the negotiators in the process of English business negotiation. By analyzing the nonverbal information, one can make a judgment of the opponents’ real intention and feel the communicative content which can not be conveyed by words. This can contribute to the promotion of the negotiation. In the process of English business negotiation, the kinesics of a negotiator as well as his nonverbal movements will both transmit information to the opponent. Without nonverbal communication, the effect of verbal communication in English business negotiation is limited. In English business negotiation, if the negotiator wants to express his or her need, he should not only use verbal language but also make full use of nonverbal language. English business negotiators must be familiar with the difference of nonverbal communication in different cultures. Besides, negotiators are required to have an exact and timely judgment and reaction to the information conveyed. This paper emphasizes on the characteristics and functions of nonverbal communication in English business negotiation and provides some useful advice for readers so that they can successfully accomplish business activities.

Key words: English Business negotiation; nonverbal communication; cultural difference

1  Introduction
In recent years, with the development of international trade, there have been an increasing number of domestic universities or colleges opening the course of international business negotiation for international trade and English majors in order to cultivate the prepared talents to possess the ability of international negotiation skills. International business negotiation is the business communicative activity of cross-border and cross-culture, which is accomplished through interaction of verbal and nonverbal communication. However, most of the present text books tend to emphasize on the introduction of the expressions and tactics of verbal language. And nonverbal communication is attached not that much attention and not enough deep analysis has been made up to now.
