
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


Euphemism is a common phenomenon in the process of language. It is not only a social linguistic phenomenon, but also a cultural phenomenon. No matter in foreign communication or in daily life, we have to do the verbal communication. Different cultural backgrounds have different social taboo. We must learn how to use euphemism to avoid embarrassing or unpleasant because of the different certain habits or customs. So this article analyzes from the point of the linguistics and attempts through specific examples to explore the communicative function of English Euphemism in specific language environment. The euphemism is a form of expression in all cultures. Different social backgrounds, different cultures and histories will produce different euphemism. We can only cognize euphemism in different contexts, and use it in different circumstances to adjust the degree of politeness. We can minimize the damage for each other and achieve the purposes of successful communication. Euphemism reflects a variety of social psychology, which also reflects the euphemism of various social communicative functions. As a cultural phenomenon, it is a reflection of the values and cultural traditions of different countries. Therefore, understanding of the euphemism has a great significance for familiar with the western culture and the realization of intercultural communication.

Key Words:Euphemism; Culture; Communication; Difference




1.1 Background
Euphemism is closely related to taboo. In the West, the use of euphemistic expressions dated back to the 7th century when the Anglo-Saxons were Christianized. They believed that words had magic power and speaking the name of a God would evoke the divinity whose power then had to be confronted. In the early 1580s, George Blunt created the word “euphemism” and defined it as “a good or favorable interpretation of a bad word” (Neaman and Silver, 1983:67). In 1985, D. J. Enright published another important book Fair of Speech, the Uses of Euphemisms, which is a collection of many essays on this topic (D. J. Enright, 1985:36). In Euphemism and Dysphemism: Language used as a shield & weapon.( Allan,k.et al.1991:77) Allan and Burridge gave an expository account of the kinds of expressions people use for two quite different purposes: euphemism and dysphemism. In 1995, The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English put that euphemism is a polite word or expression that you use instead of a more direct one to avoid shocking or upsetting others.
In China, ancient Chinese scholars studied euphemism mainly from two angles: avoidance of taboos and folklore. QianDaxin, a scholar in Qing Dynasty, made a systematic study of avoidance of taboos. Modern scholars like Chen Wang Dao studied euphemism and taboo from the angle of rhetoric and considered them as figures of speech(陈望道,1985:23). In his Sociolinguistics, (Chen Yuan,1983:39) devoted a whole chapter to the study and analysis of euphemism, which not only discussed the historical and social background of euphemism, but also revealed the nature of this social phenomenon, and explored taboo words from sociolinguistic point of view
In a word, euphemism can be defined as the use of other, usually less exact but milder or less blunt, words or phrases in place of words required by truth or accuracy.
