
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19




Address terms refer specifically to the names that people use to call each other, which is a common phenomenon in human language culture. Language and culture are symbiotic and coexistent. Influenced by nations, religions, histories and social structures, the Chinese and English appellation systems have something in common but meanwhile have huge differences. Therefore, from the cultural perspective, this text divides them into relative appellation and social appellation and makes a comparison about their differences and similarities as well as analyzes the reasons in order to better understand the different social cultures and promote cross-cultural communication.

Keywords: culture; analyze; appellation; relative appellation; social appellation

1. Introduction
Since the foundation of People’s Republic of China and especially in the recent thirty years, earth-shaking changes have taken place in many areas including politics, economics, military and education in our country and as a result, news things, products and minds as well as ideas appear in our life. Of course, spontaneously, there are many new members in forms of address. Some of the address terms have been changed after being used for a while with the development of society and some have been kept until now. They affect the social communication of human beings and reflect the development of society change. And this situation is shared with the English appellation system. Moreover, under the background of globalization, there is a frequent communication between Chinese and western culture and with no doubt appellation is an essential part. Therefore in this text, the author will make a comparison between these two appellation systems and explain their differences in a cultural perspective.
