
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Cooperation Principle (CP) and Politeness Principle (PP) are two basic pragmatic principles in communication. There is complementary relation between them. The present paper aims to analyze how, by breaking down conventional and stereotyped language, English advertisers strategically observes or violates CP and PP to express the intentions of advertisers in different ways. The study also shows the complementary relation of these two principles in English advertisement.
Keywords English advertisement; Cooperation Principle; Politeness Principle; complementary relationship

关键词  英文广告 合作准则 礼貌准则 互补联系

As a direct service medium of economy, advertising language is an important research subject in social pragmatics. The process of advertising is AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action). (Huang Guowen, 2017) The mission of advertisers, is using language to transmit information, which triggers interest and purchase desire of consumers, and finally prompts consumers to buy the advertised commodity in purpose. Through the use of language in advertising, the advertisers either follow or violate Cooperation principle and Politeness principle consciously or unconsciously to add the charm of advertisement so as to achieve their communication ends. This paper aims to investigate the way in which advertising subject strategically makes use of Cooperation Principle and Politeness Principle in order to persuade consumers to buy commodity.
