
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Abstract:In one’s colorful social life, each person has played a certain role and has a status and has a great capacity in various social groups. Teachers have occupied an important position and have taken on the role of “preaching, imparting knowledge, resolving doubts” in school education. Teaching activities have been fulfilled by the leading-role of the teachers and the consciousness of the students. Primary school period is a key one for student’s individual psychological development. They learn knowledge and accept education in school and have been changed a great in cognition, emotion, will and personality. Therefore, teachers should understand the characteristics of the本论文由英语论文网/ psychological activity and the rules of the psychological development of the pupils to guide correctly and educate effectively. So teachers should play different roles and functions in the process of English teaching in primary school. Such as the role as instructor, leader, parents and friends, psychological doctor, and model. In this paper, the author will make some detailed discussion of these roles. The purpose of this paper is, on the basis of the different roles, to cultivate the students’ active attitudes towards learning English, and enable them to establish the self-confidence of learning English, develop the students’ linguistic sense and build a good foundation of phonetics and tone for further learning.
Key Words
Teacher; roles; functions; pupils
摘 要
在纷繁复杂的人生社会大舞台上,英语论文题目,每人都扮演着一定的角色,即在各种社会群体中居于一定的地位,具有相当的身份。而教师在学校教育这个人类亚系统中,也占有重要的位置,担负着“传道、授业、解惑”的角色影响。教学活动,主要是在教师的主导影响下,充分发挥学生主体意识过程中开展的。小学阶段是学生个体心理发展的关键时期,他们在学校里学习知识、接受教育,英语毕业论文,在认识、情感、意志、性格诸多方面引起了巨大的变化。教师在小学英语教学过程中,由于小学生的心理特征,扮演着 不同的角色,如:教师的 “教员”角色; “领导者”角色;“心理医生”角色;“青少年的朋友”角色;“父母”角色;“榜样”角色等等。本文的目的在于根据教师的不同的角色和影响去激发学生学习英语兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心,培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调基础,为下一步学习打下基础。 
In modern society, particularly in the information society which takes the transmission as a basic form, education, as a basic means of cultural transmission, has increasingly become a highly specialized activity, and the professionalization of teachers has become an important way of the career development of the teachers. In the history of educational reform of each country of the world since the 20th century, teachers were considered as the key factors which affect the process of educational reform and determined its success or failure. Teachers are the main perpetrators of school education, and the main force of developing education and establishing school and promoting the educational reform. Therefore, to study the education, teachers must be studied.
Teaching is considered as one of the most demanding and challenging social activities in our society, with the ultimate goal of training students to communicate in English. It’s generally agreed that good teaching is good communication between the teachers and the students and also among students and the best efficiency in a classroom comes from effective cooperation between the teacher and the students. Therefore, the teacher’s roles and functions are vital to the effect of language learning.

I. The Psychological Characteristics of the Pupils
Primary school period is a key one for student’s individual psychological development. In primary period the students learn knowledge and accept education from their teachers and have changed a great in cognition, emotion, will and personality. There exist many
