Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Reasons for carrying out the present study
With the rapid development of international exchange, English has become anessential tool for communicating among people from different nations and regions. Itis taught as a worldwide commonly used language around the world. And English hasbeen taught officially in primary schools for twenty-two years in Beijing.Since English is emphasized as a communication tool, in almost all the primaryschools in Beijing, teachers put all their attention and energy on learners' listeningand speaking abilities, especially in the very beginning stage, for example Grade One.They spend almost all the classroom time to practice students' listening and speaking.Here listening is roughly equivalent to listen to the tape script and try to repeat.Teachers encourage students to repeat what they hear. Speaking means read out thewords or simple sentences according to the tape.On grade two,teachers start training students' word recognition ability which isthe ability to recognize written words. Teachers hope that the students are able tograsp what each letter strings represent. The second-grade students can acquire themeaning of the words they hear through converting the sound into meanings. Yet,they lack the ability to recognize the meaning through converting the written form ofwords into their sound form. If he or she had a tool of converting the novel printedwords into their phonological forms, then the learner could recognize the word.However, teachers think that the formation of the students' word recognition abilitycan be achieved by pointing to the word they are reading or listening to. They stronglybelieve that if students have the good habit of pointing to what they are listeningor/and reading each time in the classroom they will get to know the word naturally. Inorder to help the students foster that good habit,every time they listen to or read outthe text, teachers always force students to point to the words with their fingers at thesame time.
1.2 Research questions
The problems occurring in the present English teaching in primary schools impelsthe author to try additional phonological awareness training in the traditional classroomEnglish teaching. After getting an understanding of the research background ofphonological awareness by reading an abundance of literature reviews by scholars andresearchers broad and at home,the author carries out a one-year-long experiment onfostering younger learners English phonological awareness in the author's primaryschool classroom teaching. This research attempts to discern the influence ofphonological awareness and explore the important role of it in the teaching context inChina. The author intends to deal with the three researching questions as below:
(1) Does adding explicit, specified English phonological awareness trainingpromote younger learners' phonological awareness level in primary school classroomteaching under the present,英语毕业论文,traditional teaching mode? And to what extent? In whatways?
(2) Does phonological awareness facilitate learners' English capacity? And towhat extent?
(3) Does phonological awareness enhance learners' interests and confidence ofEnglish learning?
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Phonological awareness in English teaching and learning
As one of the c,英语论文