
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


1.1 Research Background
Corpus-based DDL approach in this thesis refers a teaching and learning way thatstudents are driven to generalize the rules automatically by a large number ofre-occurrence of target language in natural language texts which are provided by thecorpus. In the study, this approach is applied in grammar focus class in junior highschool where students are taught English as a Foreign Language (EFL).“Over the last three decades the compilation and analysis of corpora stored incomputerized databases has led to a new scholarly enterprise known as corpuslinguistics (Kenney, 2017).” Some dictionary definitions suggest that corporanecessarily consist of structured collocations of text specifically complied forlinguistic analysis, that they are larger or that they attempt to be representative of alanguage as a whole. Therefore, it is increasingly being used as a database for variouslanguage researches that can be mainly divided into five fields: biblical and literarystudies, lexicography, dialect studies, language education studies, and grammaticalstudies. Although corpus-based research is often assumed to have begun in the early1960s, some of the most influential corpus-based researches for a pedagogicalpurpose are in the first half of the 20thcentury. For instance, Thorndike (1921)compiled a corpus of 4.5 million words from 41 different sources to make a wordfrequency list which was initially intended to lead to better curricula materials forteaching literacy to native speakers of English in United States. Corpora’s being sopopular in contemporary pedagogical researches is for the reason that they enablelearners to gain original insights into the structure and use of language. Till now,corpora can have a place in language teaching classes, mostly used in college classesfor lexical teaching. However, in this study, it is reasonable to confirm the effectiveuse of corpora in grammar teaching in junior high school.

1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research
Recent decades have been a crucial period for the development of corporaapplication in language learning and teaching. More and more Corpus researches havehighlighted the potential of corpora and DDL (data-driven learning) approach (Johns& King, 1991) for language pedagogy. Increasingly developed corpus-based empiricalstudies carry out in EFL classes. However, “DDL approach has not been integratedinto mainstream teaching practices (Rapti, 2017).” The absence of corpora applicationfrom the EFL context is due to numerous reasons such as “lack of teacher training andlimited number of corpus-based classroom materials (Rapti, 2017)”. In a word,empirical corpus-based studies are not enough. Thus there is little attention on DDLapproach, and this approach needs more experiments to make it more mature andmore practical.


2.1 Grammar and Grammar Teaching
Grammar teaching has the longest history in foreign language pedagogy in China.Nevertheless, it is still the focus of debate about second language teaching, as there isstill no best way to learn grammar efficiently. Ellis (1997, as cited in Ding Zheng,2017) referred that it is because we know only a little about grammar and it is evennot unified what is grammar. To learn the nature of grammar may be first step to beginto apply a certai,英语论文英语毕业论文
