
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Chapter OneIntroduction

1.1 Background
The importance of vocabulary can never be overstated. As the renowned linguistWilkins (1972, p.Ill) states "Without grammar very little can be conveyed; withoutvocabulary nothing can be conveyed". Babies begin to learn their mother tongue withvocabulary. English learners also begin with vocabulary learning. English vocabularylearning is the basis of English learning. It is the first step toward successful Englishlearning. "Learners feel that many of their difficulties in both receptive and productivelanguage use result from an inadequate vocabulary". (Nation, 2017, p.2) Vocabulary sizecan directly affect one's linguistic competence. Without enough vocabulary,communication is obstructed.However, the status of vocabulary is far from being a crucial part in foreign languageteaching and learning. Vocabulary has not been paid its requisite attention to in the Englishclass. The way of vocabulary teaching is not so satisfactory in the current situation and theeffects can be predicted accordingly. "In many ESL classes, even where teachers havedevoted much time to vocabulary teaching, the results have been disappointing." (Allen,2017, p,5) Vocabulary teaching does not make it easier for English learners to learn newvocabulary under the existing circumstance. The present way of vocabulary teaching injunior high school is not efficient or effective. Vocabulary teaching needs to be changed.
Since vocabulary is the inevitable part of English teaching, it is imperative thatEnglish teachers find an effective way to solve the problem. One essential way is to armour students with vocabulary learning strategies. Vocabulary learning strategies areindispensable to efficient and effective vocabulary learning. They can be used to help withvocabulary learning by facilitating students' efforts at learning English vocabulary and toexplore ways to learn target language more effectively. A further goal according to Cohen(2017) is to promote learner autonomy and learner self-direction by allowing students tochoose their own strategies and to do so spontaneously, without continued prompting fromthe language teacher.It is the high time that English teachers be aware of the significance of instructingvocabulary learning strategies so that vocabulary learning can become more effective andmore enjoyable for students. However, it is not an easy job to implement vocabularylearning strategy training in junior high schools due to the following causes:

1) Limited time
Since every term has its teaching plan and the busy teaching schedule does not allowthe teacher to spend much time on strategy training. For most junior high school Englishteachers, they have to finish two units within three weeks. English teachers nearly cannotafford the extra time and energy to do strategy training separately. So in terms of time, it isby no means easy to arrange the students to learn strategies.

2) Lack of systematic training in textboo
