
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19



Background of the research探讨背景
写作是一种创造性的工作,需要太多时间,英语论文,勤于思考。这是一个相当艰巨的任务,原生和非英语母语的时间。英语写作为一体的四种基本技能 - 听,说,读,写,一直被视为一个英语学习者的一个基本组成部分。Writing is a kind of creative work that takes much time and hardthinking. It is all the time a fairly challenging task for both native andnon-native speakers. English writing, as one of the four basicskills—listening, speaking, reading and writing—has always beenregarded as a fundamental part for an English learner. It can help studentsmaster language effectively and reflect students' integrated languagelevel. English writing teaching in senior high school in China isconducted by the guidelines of a national unified curriculum and theuniversity entrance examination system. There has been a new wave ofreform in English education in senior high schools in China since 2017.The new national English curriculum lays out higher goals andrequirements for senior high school students' writing. According to theEnglish Curriculum Standard of High School (2017 : 3-19), it requires thestudents should write some basic compositions correctly and fluently.Furthermore, it is known that the writing test in National MatriculationEnglish Test (NMET),  namely, the University Entrance Examination inChina, takes up nearly 40 percent of the total marks in a paper. All theevidence suggests that writing is becoming increasingly significant inEnglish learning.However, overall, the present English writing situation in middleschools is unsatisfactory. For a long time, Giving topics and requests,allowing students to complete within the time stipulated, and then thecompositions corrected by teachers is the traditional writing Englishteaching form. In such a training mode, the majority of the studentsproduce poor writings. It is a powerful visual statement of the fact thattheir written English is terrible. Of course, the "great masterpieces" full ofred underlines and errors corrected by teachers cost them so much timeand energy, but upsets both teachers and students. In such case, thestudents lose enthusiasm and motivation in the English writing. They areforced to write for homework or examinations.In recent years, with the reformation of middle school teachinggoing further, some amazing changes have taken place in the Englishwriting. The English Curriculum Standard of High School emphasizes thetransition from teacher-centered orientation to learner-centeredorientation. Under these circumstances, mutual communication betweenteacher and student, student and student should be encouraged. Thestudents' academic motivation is aroused. Therefore the students' writingability is improved. But, actually, there is a long way to go for theEnglish writing teaching.

The Necessity of the research探讨的必要性
It is apparent that the old traditional writing teaching increasinglybeing criticized. Changing this situation and improving the efficiency ofwriting are the trend of English Writing Teaching. In the author's opinion,exploring the errors in the students' writings, we can find the key to theproblem, and then adjust our way of teaching to enable students tobecome active and effective in improving their writing.English learning process also shows us that analyzing the errors is ofgreat significance. On the one hand, making errors sho
