
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

1.1 Research Background
With the rapid acceleration in the development of modern technology, people realizethe fact that meaning is rarely made with language alone intensely. Reviewing the last decades,we have been witnessing a vast change in the way of people’s communication. Withoutexception, the pattern of English teaching must be updated. According to the New CurriculumReform, the presentation of teaching content, the students’ learning methods and teachers’teaching models are demanded to change, which is in line with the multimodalcommunication. Meanwhile, The College English Curriculum Requirements issued in 2017points out that the number of students in college has grown rapidly and the availableeducational resources are relatively limited, so we should make full use of opportunitiesbrought by multimedia and network to improve the original teaching model dominated byteacher talk.So far, a lot of studies have demonstrated that multimodal teaching is superior totraditional teaching in many aspects. Firstly, multimodal resources draw students’ interestmore effectively than those of monomodality. Multimodal teaching model combines text,picture and sound together through technology, which can stimulate students’ visual andauditory senses and arouse their interest in English learning. Secondly, in the aspect of time,teacher talk usually occupies most of class time and blackboard-writing wastes a lot of time inthe traditional teaching model. However, during multimodal teaching, teachers can usecomputer to play authentic voice and present important points. Thirdly, in terms oftransmitting information, the information offered in traditional teaching model is limited. Butthe latter can provide different ways to introduce information and the amount will beincreased. Moreover, the traditional teaching model is difficult to establish a real learningenvironment and interaction between teacher and students is limited. Therefore, it is urgent toapply multimodality in English teaching.

1.2 Aims and Significance of the Research
The overall objective is to investigate the modes utilized by excellent teachers inteaching procedures and PPT courseware. The project includes three aspects: collecting the. data of modes used in each teaching procedure and PPT courseware, analyzing modes andsummarizing the features of those classes which applied multimodality in the process ofteaching. The current research is expected to explore new insights both theoretically andpractically.Over the last decades, many researchers have paid attention to multimodality. However,the focus mainly centralizes in the following aspects: the application of multimodality inteaching writing, listening, vocabulary etc, the analysis of modes in films, advertisements andso on, the synergy of different modes, the modes used in PPT courseware and the contrastbetween traditional teaching model and multimodal teaching model and so on. Research aboutthe principles of modes used in each teaching procedure and the feature of multimodalEnglish teaching is rare. Therefore, the aspects designed in this thesis are of great importanceand significance.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Definitions
Talking about multimodality, it is important to mention two term,英语论文英语论文范文
