
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


Chapter One Introduction引言

  英语(或任何其他语言)专注于真正的实际的通信能力。在中专或高中教育,英语教学的重点是写作,词汇和语法,英语论文网站,写作与应试。可是问题来了。英语听力和口语,以实践为中心的运用程序,始终是最弱的使用英语。English (or any other languages) focuses on the real practical capacity of communication.In the secondary or high school Education, the focus of English teaching is on writing,vocabulary and grammar, and it is writing & exam-oriented. Here comes the problem.Listening and speaking, the practice-focused application of English, always are the weakest inEnglish use. Many scholars and experts have already found the problems in listening andspeaking teaching and education. In real-life situations, speaking is an important part ofinteraction and most often the first impression of a person is based on his/her ability to speakfluently and comprehensibly. Spontaneous and time-constraint are the typical characteristics ofspoken language. Among the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), foreignlanguage learners often complain that listening is one of the most difficult skills to acquire.( Wang Qiang 2017)According to the official data from College English Test Band 4 & Band 6 (CET-4/6)websites, CET-4/6 has been reformed since June 2017 with the total score of 710 ( comparingwith the old total score of 100) and the listening comprehension takes a larger proportion of35% ( comparing with 20% in the previous tests). The score will be evaluated according to theformula (Mean= Normal Means, SD= Standard Difference), whichmeans the total score of listening comprehension is about 248.5 points. That is a newchallenge both to students and teachers as well.  Therefore, learning listening and speaking isof significant importance in better and sounder command of English to students; teachers arealso facing with the challenge of applying effective method of teaching listening and speaking.According to National Outline for Medium and Long-term Education Reform andDevelopment (2017-2020) (Draft for Soliciting Public Opinion) which has been speciallyformulated in accordance with the strategic plan from the 17thNational Congress of the CPCto “give priority to education and turn China into a country rich in human resources”.Education must be placed in a strategic position of prioritized development, and educatingpeople seen as an essential requirement of education progress. Reform and innovation shouldbe used as a powerful force for educational development, and the promotion of equality afundamental education policy. Quality enhancement must be placed at the heart of educationreform and development. As for the development of higher education, the outline drafts thefollowings:(i) The overall quality of higher education should be improved.(ii) The quality of personnel training must improve.(iii) The standard of scientific research should be raised.(iv) Social services capacity must be strengthened.(v) Structures should be optimized to highlight specialties.Dynamic mechanisms should be established that are adapted to the needs of national andregional socio-economic development to optimize the structure of higher education continually.The structure of courses, degree programs, and their categorization should be optimized.There should be a focus on expanding useful, mixed, and skill-based.As the implementation of Chinese opening up pol,英语论文范文
