
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


Chapter 1 Introduction引言

1.1 Background of the study一the rise of China English探讨背景-中国英语的发展
英语作为通用语言,用于不同的社会和文化背景的人之间的通信。在这样的科学,技术,金融,英语论文题目,商业,旅游,教育等领域,英语论文题目,已被用来作为辅助语言英语English as a lingua franca is used for communications between people withdifferent social and cultural backgrounds. In such areas as science, technology, finance,commerce, tourism, education, etc, English has been used as an auxiliary language.More recently Stockwell (2017: 20) estimated that about 20% of the world's populationtook English as their first or second language, and a forther 45% of the world'spopulation took English as an important language in their lives.As one result of globalization, English is also being nativized or localized indifferent countries and regions. English is transcreated by people with differentsocio-cultural backgrounds.  The localization in turn makes English become Englisheswhich means the different local varieties of English and the plurality of English. A newpluralistic perspective of studying English has come into existence. British English andAmerican English are not the only two varieties or Standard English any more. Thereare other Englishes, such as Indian English, Canadian English, Zambian English,Australian English and Singaporean English and so on.As discussed above, English has become a global or an international language usedby people all over the world. The features of English varieties in different contextsrequire a complete research and investigation. China English as a local variety ofEnglish in China, a member of the World Englishes family, has also been taken intoconsideration by linguists at home and abroad.Following the English users' awareness of our native identities, scholars at homeand abroad have began to study China English from various aspects since the 1980s.The studies of China English can be divided into theoretical study and practical studyaccording to the issues it concerns. Theoretical study concerns the definition, norm,function, status, acceptability, etc. Practical study of China English is mainly revealed inthe field of C-E translation and English teaching. Although there are lots of researcheson China English covering many aspects such as sociolinguistics, pragmatics, appliedlinguistics and cultural, psychological and even aesthetic studies, it is obvious that thereare still few studies on the exploration of China English in English teaching andlearning. Therefore, this thesis will be a supplementary exploration of China English inEFL teaching and learning.

1.2 Purpose of the study探讨目的
This paper is aimed at exploring a new teaching method that integrates ChinaEnglish into English teaching to make up for the deficiency of Chinese culture incurrent English teaching based on the previous teaching pattern—the strip storyproposed by Robert E. Gibson.

1.3 Significance of the study探讨的意义
Exploring the new teaching pattern that integrates China English into Englishteaching has the following significance:First of all, this new teaching pattern could make up for the deficiency of cultureteaching in current English teaching, which was called Chinese cultural aphasia byProfessor Cong Cong in 2017, and it also can improve students' basic English skills andthe ability to exp
