
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


英语和汉语分属于两个截然不同的语系, 英语属于印欧语系(Indo -European language family)日耳曼语族(Germanic branch) 西日耳曼语支(West Germanic Dialect), 汉语属于汉藏语系(Sino — Tibetan Family)。汉语重意合轻形式,词汇少而精;英语重形合,形式上的逻辑性很强,词语的语法功能 单一。一种词类往往只能固定地充当一种句法成分,词形有很多变化,词类极其丰富。基于汉语没有分词,不定式和词缀等,英语中的很多词无法在汉语中找到完全对应的意义和词类,英译汉时就要按照汉语中重意合的特点“得意忘形”,在适当的时候转换词性只求意义相等;而在汉译英时不仅意思要正确,往往还要通过添加词缀或者改变词形的方式,英语论文题目转换词类,英语毕业论文,使译文符合英语的语法,译得正确、自然。

关键词  商务英语,翻译,词类转换


Chinese and English belong to different language families. Chinese emphasizes parataxis whereas neglects morphology, with more powerful grammatical function of words, smaller but better vocabulary than English. A part of speech in Chinese can often serve as several kinds of syntactic components. English emphasizes hypotaxis and formal logic, With single grammatical function of one word, a good many morphological changes and thus an extremely rich vocabulary. Given that Chinese has no participle, infinitive form and affix , etc , we often cannot find thoroughly identical Chinese words in meaning and part of speeeh for many English words, so we must converse the part of speech according to the different characters of Chinese and English so that our translation will be pure Chinese or English.

Key words  business English, translation, parts of speech

1  Introduction
    With the rapid development of science and technology, modern linguistics, and the translation activity, and with the rise of machine translation, people began to change their traditional views on translation studies day by day. Translators are influenced by various kinds of modern linguistics theories, so they no longer pay attention to arguing about whether a translation should keep "literal translation" or "free translation", they just find new contents by bestowing new meanings on translation studies from different aspects. They now think that translating is not only an art or skill, but also a science. In short, now translation theory has been closely linked with linguistics.
