
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19





In translation, readers should be concerned by translator. However, in the real state, readers are always overlooked when they should be understood and recognized. In this case, reader’s response theory by Eugene Nida is given highly attention by the translation experts in our country. This theory stresses that it is the reader who can correctly understand and appreciate the text that impacts the skills and success of translation. This thesis includes contents as follows. Firstly, by studying Nida’s target reader’s response theory, reader’s role is given great priority. Further on, the definition of the shift of perspective and its importance are introduced. Based on the above theories, several examples are provided and discussed. Finally, basic principles like cultural adaptation, moderate expression and flexibility are provided for the translator to adopt so as to gain the readers acceptance. The author thinks that the translator should keep the target readers in mind;otherwise it may be difficult to be accepted.

Keywords: reader’s response theory; perspective transmission; translation

1. Introduction
It is generally accepted that translation is a cross-cultural communication. Different culture has great influence on the language features and expressions. Thus, there may exist a great perspective gap between different cultures. However, during the translating process, many translators are always thinking about how to push the information of the source text to the target readers. Unfortunately, they ignore acceptance of the readers. Nida had said that “languages possess various ways of communicating essentially the same propositional information”. [1]Therefore, the shift of perspective is of great importance while translating. It can help the translator think and translate on the point of the readers. Concluding the above; we find that translation is not only a production of the translator. As a successful translator, he should not overstate the target reader’s familiar with the source culture. He should act as both a translator and a re-writer and make a bridge between the source and target culture. Only in doing this, can the target readers understand and appreciate the information, manner and style of the source text. Focusing on the reader’s response theory, this thesis discusses how the translator makes the shift of perspective to fulfill the reader’s needs and make a successful translation.
