
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


Idioms, as a special and inseparable part of language, are the shell and instrument of thinking. There are abundant animal idioms in both Chinese and English and most of them are metaphorical. These animal idioms are fixed phrases or sentences abstracted from the language, which become the cream in the process of using a language. They are essential part of the whole vocabulary of language, which reflects the national characteristics of the native speakers and are the essence of the language. During the process of translating animal idioms, we have to focus on the social and cultural background of both source language and target language. And in the contrastive analysis of the similarities and differences among their cognitive metaphorical meaning, we can find the best translation techniques to transfer the vivid meaning of animal image in the original work, thus fulfilling the goal of cross-culture communication.
Under the guidance of the Theory of Metaphor, this thesis analyzes the metaphorical characteristics of English animal idioms. Based on the analysis of the similarities and differences between English and Chinese animal idioms in terms of metaphors and combined with the cultural background of Chinese, this thesis probes into some translation methods of English animal idioms. Relying on numerous examples, this thesis points out that flexible application of literal translation, liberal transliteration, substitutive translation and other translation methods can be tailored to specific situations, so as to meet the target readers’ reception as far as possible. There is no doubt that the results of this study will make great contributions to the better understanding of English animal idioms as well as the translation of them.

Key Words: English and Chinese animal idioms  Metaphor  Translation techniques

摘  要


关键词:英汉动物习语  隐喻  翻译技巧
