
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





From the ancient time to now, Confucianism has been dominant in Chinese culture, influencing Chinese people in many aspects. Nowadays, a lot of Chinese classic works have been translated to English for foreign readers, including Lunyu, one of the most important classic works of Confucianism. In Lunyu, Junzi is a very significant concept, which shows the core ideas about man in Confucianism. This thesis, focusing on the translations of Junzi, analyses Junzi’s English translations based on the translator’s subjectivity theory and compares different translations by two translators, James Legge and Gu Hongming.
The translations of Junzi in James Legge’s and Gu Hongming’s works are different. The thesis seeks the reasons for the differences and presents the translation strategies used by the translators. Firstly, the thesis gives the cultural background of the translators. Secondly, the thesis analyses the translator’s purpose of translation based on the cultural background. Thirdly, the thesis compares the different translation versions of Junzi of one translator and between two translators. And finally, the thesis presents the deficiencies of the translations and some suggestions.
The thesis tells that James Legge translated Junzi in a much detailed way, trying to explain the original meaning of Junzi in Chinese culture. However, Gu Hongming used a much simpler way to translate Junzi, hoping that the foreign readers could understand much more easily. The translation strategies that the two translators used are different and it is also hard to tell which translation is better because there are many angles to judge and appreciate the translations.

Key words: Confucianism, Lunyu, Junzi, Translator’s Subjectivity
