The essence of film narrative is storytelling, and the completion of storytelling need the involvement of storyteller and story receiver. The language in film or lines is a significant part of film narrative. It constructs plot through providing continuous information, exposing the environment and people’s situation, and then completes the narrative. But for audience from other countries, the use of language could only be appreciated by translated subtitles: in the circumstance of not understanding the language, subtitles help the audience comprehend the story. So I assume the quality of subtitle translation has large effect on narrative. Based on the position of story receiver, this paper uses the German skopos theory and film narrative theory of David Bordwell to study how the subtitle translation affects the narrative through its influence on the comprehension of audience. After the systematical introduction to the theory, I propose the two kinds of subtitle: explanatory subtitle and implicit subtitle. Based on the classification and subtitle translation in American animated movies of the last three years released in China, I analyze the concrete subtitle translation cases according to the trail of three rules in skopos theory: skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule. Finally, I get the conclusion that subtitle translation has straightforward and concrete effect on story receiving, so the subtitle have effect on the narrative.
Key words: subtitle translation, skopos theory, film narrative theory