
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





When we look at the history of Chinese and Western translation, we can easy find that the traditional study of translation only stops at its language, people only emphasize on the “faithfulness” and “equivalence” between the translated versions and the source contexts. The writer and the source context are considered to be sacred and infrangible, while the role of translator is neglected in literary translation. However, with the “culture turn” in the translation studies, the subjective role of the translator was recognized and the research on the translator’s subjectivity which still is a fresh study field gained further development. The translator’s subjectivity means that under the condition of respecting the original content, the translator shows his or her subjective initiative during the translation process in order to achieve translation purpose.
Su Shi, also known as Su Dongpo, was a famous poet of Northern Song Dynasty. Since his masterpiece the Prelude to Water Melody came out, it has been translated into a large number of versions. The scholars and critics both from China and other countries have done many researches on this poem, but few of them analyze it from the perspective of the translator’s subjectivity. So this paper is going to analyze Su Shi’s Prelude to Water Melody from the perspective of the translator’s subjectivity; it is also going to talk about different translators’ subjectivity showed in the translation versions and it aims at analyze the advantages and deficiency of each translation version; it mainly focuses on the influence of the three aspects of the translator’s subjectivity which means the translator’s initiative, passivity and purposiveness to the translation activities.

Key words: translator’s subjectivity, initiative, passivity, purposiveness, Prelude to Water Melody
