
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





Francis Bacon is the most important prose writer and philosopher in Britain during the age of Renaissance, and Of Studies is one of his masterpieces in which Bacon discusses the significance and role of study with refined language. The translator’s subjectivity means that translator brings the subjectivity into full play in the process of translation and it is a dialectic unity of initiative, passivity and purposiveness based on its connotation.
This study is to show a comparative study of three Chinese versions of Of Studies from the perspective of translator’s subjectivity, examining how the three Chinese versions reflect the influences of translator’s subjectivity in the aspect of the three features, and finally concludes the similarities and differences of the three versions and the characteristics of each Chinese version. The study finds that Wang Zuoliang’s translation is concise and precise, and its semi-literary, semi-vernacular language and neat structure fully shows the equivalence in content and style with the original text; Cao Minglun’s translation adopts standardized Chinese written language to pursue the maximum likeness in appearance on the basis of likeness in spirit, and at the same time pays attention to the equivalence in style and aesthetics with the original text; Shui Tiantong’s translation employs popular and colloquial language and easy sentence structure, to cater to the flavor of foreign readers but lacks the sense of cadence of Chinese. The thesis finally concludes that translator’s subjectivity plays an important role in the process of translating and largely influences the effects of the translation.
This thesis is helpful for us to know more about Francis Bacon, Bacon’s essays and his literary achievements, and also provides a new perspective to understand the translator’s subjectivity.

Key words:Francis Bacon, Of Studies, translator’s subjectivity, comparative study
