
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





With the development of globalization, languages and cultures are becoming important aspects in communication. Proverbs, as a combination of culture and language, play a significant role in language learning and cultural communication. Proverbs of a nation, coming from people’s working experience, are simple in form and profound in meaning, and represent the essence of ethnic characteristics. Proverb translation becomes important in keeping the foreignness of proverbs and achieving success of communication. In proverb translation, different translation strategies may result in diverse translation outcomes and cause varied effects on communication. Therefore, translation strategies have always been the research focus.
This thesis employs theories of domestication and foreignization, context as research foundations and mainly focuses on proverbs in literary works. Content analysis and strategies comparison are used as the research methods in studying the different strategies applied in proverbs of literary works. It first gives a brief introduction to the importance of proverbs. Then, it analyzes different strategies used in the same proverbs, analyzing the differences and reasons from linguistic and non-linguistic context. In the end, this thesis concludes that reasons like cultural differences, translator’s purpose, text types and language differences, are the influencing factors of the choice of strategies.
This thesis is a complementary study to researches of proverb translation within the literary context. The combination of translation strategies and context theory lays a foundation for further researches on this field.

Key words: proverb translation, translation strategies, context, domestication, foreignization
