
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


This article takes the fantastic film Harry PotterⅠ for example to study the application of Nida's equivalence theory and its superiority in the subtitle translation, especially from phonetic level, pragmatic level, socio-cultural level. The author hopes this study will contribute to better understanding and utilizing of Nida's equivalence theory and promote the cross-cultural communication.

Key words: Nida’s Equivalence Theory; Subtitle Translation; Harry PotterⅠ



关键词:奈达的等效翻译;字幕翻译; 《哈利. 波特Ⅰ》

1. Literature Review
1.1 Studies on Subtitle Translation
The economy has been developing rapidly, so do science and technology. The whole world is like a hamlet. Different countries, races and cultures communicate frequently. For cross-cultural communication, movies and TV series have become the indispensable communication media and have been one of the forms of arts in recent years. At the same time they have the most audience. Nowadays, foreign movies have become popular in China. As the bridge of inter-lingual communication, film translation, especially subtitle translation, should arouse increasingly native scholars’ and experts’ notice. The comprehension of the audience is dependent on the quality of the subtitle translation. For the non-native audiences, subtitle translation plays an important role in enjoying the movie.
1.1.1 Definition and Types of Subtitling
Subtitle translation develops with the growth of TV series and the films. In recent years subtitle translation has become the most general way for the non-native audiences to appreciate the foreign films.
