
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要


With the unprecedented developments of humanity's sciences, economies and technologies, the world patterns and humanity's life styles have been enormously changed in the new century. Because the different countries have the different histories, different manners and customs, all of which have formed the different cultural contexts which further caused different value orientations, thinking modes, social habits and history allusions and so on. These factors have brought for cross-cultural communications some latent barriers and the dangers which can lead to the conflicts between cultures. As a cross-language and cross-culture activity, the status of translation is getting more and more important. The processes of translations are not only the process of lingual transformations, but the process of cultural transmissions.
As a unique language expression, idiom has frequently become a difficult point in the translation. The good idiom’s translations are convenient for humanities to have a better exchange and avoid the ambiguity and wrong information in the exchange. Therefore, we first have to learn about the reasons that influence the formations of idioms, such as: its religious beliefs, customs, living environments and historical allusions and so on. On the other hand, the researches for the similarities and differences between Chinese and English idioms will be made, which mainly focus on the meanings, forms and influences of the idioms. By studying the similarities well as the differences between Chinese and English idioms, we can know more about the broad and profound cultures of China and west countries and understand their different thoughts and life styles.

Keywords: idiom translation; cultural differences; cultural communication
