
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


“国俗词语”负载厚重的民族文化,是语际翻译中一个具有重要探讨价值的课题。林语堂先生的英文小说Moment In Peking(《京华烟云》)中含有大量的“国俗词语”英译例子,很具典型性。本文总结了林氏著作中“国俗词语”及其英译,英语毕业论文英语论文范文,总结出林氏的总体翻译策略:异化翻译和归化翻译。



Culture-loaded words are of much ethnic values and cultural specialty. Thus it has become a hot issue with great study necessity of translation. The English novel “Moment in Peking” written by Lin Yutang who is a world-renowned writer and translator, is a typical work which contains a great deal of Chinese-to-English instances. This thesis makes a statistic summary of these cases and finds the general translation method of foreignization and domestication.

Key Words: ‘Moment in Peking’; culture-loaded words; foreignization; domestication

1.    Introduction
1.1 Lin Yutang and His Work
   The translator Lin Yutang, who knew both Chinese and Western cultures well, wrote the English novel Moment in Peking which involves many Chinese traditional culture and civilization and social customs. It was once ranged as “the encyclopedia of the Chinese society” by the New York Times and was nominated by the Nobel Prize, which reveals its popular status.
   Since the 1980s, Lin Yurang became well-known as a literary master. Studies on his magnum opus Moment in Peking have emerged endlessly. However, most of the scholars deliberate on the work from the view of literary appreciation and contract with few reference to the study on translation methods. The opinions at home on the translation method of the culture-loaded words and Lin’s translation ideology are under debate and discussion. Thus, the study on the translation method of the culture-loaded words in Moment in Peking is of important value in the construction and practice of the translation theories.                             
