
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


With the rapid development of globalization, communication becomes more and more essential. Every trade is thriving, especially the transnational companies, so communication and negotiation are very common. Meanwhile, more and more practical genre texts come in many ways, such as the Internet, multimedia and bulletin. Surely, translation for practical genre texts is necessary to realize good relationship and establish good understanding between different countries. This paper will analyse translation features of the long sentences in the practical genre texts based on genre and translation theories, while applying some constructive enlightenments to the translation for practical genre texts. It will help students to have a better command of this kind of translation.

Key Words:  Practical genre texts  long sentences  genre  translation

摘  要

全球化使交流愈加重要。各行各业的兴起,尤其是跨国公司的兴起,使交流谈判成为常见之事。越来越多的运用文通过网络、多媒体、公告栏等呈现出来。显而易见,英语论文范文运用翻译关于实现国家间良好联系,英语论文题目,增进互相理解十分必要。本文将应用翻译体裁理论略论探讨运用文中长句翻译的特点, 并且提供一些启蒙性指导,希望对学生翻译该类文章时有所帮助。

关键词:运用文 长句 体裁  翻译

1 Introduction
As a product of modern economic and social development, practical genre texts play a vital role in written communication and have become an essential part of daily life. There are more and more practical texts about law, economics, medicine, science and technology and so forth. They come out in many ways such as the Internet, multimedia and the bulletin. Surely, the translation of practical texts naturally become a constructive bridge for interaction and communication among different countries. However, how to translate the practical genre texts especially the common long sentences in them is a demanding task, especially based on genre.
In a broad sense, Chinese and English belong to two different genres. In a narrow sense, practical texts also have different kinds of genres, such as advertisement and business letters. However, genre analysis still remains an unfully developed area. Due to the lack of genre analysis, targeted translation theories towards practical texts still need to be improved. Fu Lei’s notion of “To Be Alike in Spirit”, Yan Fu’s “faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance” and other translation theories are suitable for literary translation but not for practical translation.
