
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





As a special language phenomenon in English, humor plays a very important role in English culture. It not only acts as the lubricant in people’s relationship, but also shows one’s personal attractiveness. English humor is a bottleneck for Chinese English learners to understand and use during English learning. Chinese English learners’ interests will be stimulated if this barrier is broken.
This paper will use Conversational Implicature theory to analyze English humor. Cooperative principle is the most important principle in Conversational Implicature theory. The author will focus on using cooperative principle and its four maxims to do a research on English Humor. The main methods of this paper are Descriptive method and Case analysis. Descriptive method will be involved in this thesis mainly when describing Cooperative Principle (CP) as the theoretical basis. Case analysis will be used in the analyzing humor through conversational Implicature theory.

Key words: Humorous Utterance; Conversational Implicature; Cooperative Principle; Violation

1 Introduction

Humor is the discourse, action, or facial-expression which can amuse people in the process of their communication. Since people’s communication is realized in the discourse, humor is often appeared in everyday’s discourse. Its generation must draw support from the language and depends heavily on the context in which it is used. Generally speaking, pragmatics, as a new field in linguistics, studies how people interpret language and use it through contexts in communication. In resent years, there have been a large number of pragmatic studies of humor. Raskin put forward “Cooperative Principle in humor”; Attardo criticized that humor violates the cooperative Principle and said that humor violates at least one maxim in Cooperative Principle.
