
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





Aesthetics has a long history of integration with translation, and with more attention paid to Translation Aesthetics, Fuzzy Aesthetics,as a young branch discipline related to translation studies, has also developed immensely and systemized. Traditional Chinese literature is characterized by its suggestiveness, subtlety, implicitness, and simplicity, which can be typically illustrated by Fuzzy Aesthetics in two dimensions---translation aesthetic subject and object. With the reference books of contemporary Translation Aesthetic theories, in particular, Liu Miqing’s An Introduction to Translation Aesthetics and Mao Ronggui’s Translation Aesthetics, this thesis conducts an analysis of fuzzy beauty in Wang’s translated version of Pride and Prejudice, aiming to keep the integration of Aesthetics and translation in a more harmonious way.

Key words: Translation Aesthetics; fuzzy beauty; Pride and Prejudice

1 Introduction

Literature, the results of generations of acquired wisdom, is the cultural heritage of the past. For the past hundreds of years, translation plays a vitally important role in the process of how to keep the literature forever existing and spreading. From the theoretical and practical point of view, translation theory has always been inseparable from literature.

    Previous literary researchers have explored how to apply aesthetic theories into literature translation from a translation aesthetic perspective. The fuzzy beauty is emphasized in the study of poetry while the aesthetic criteria are perfectly manifested in literary works. Xie Hanxing in his article tells us how to transfer the existing images as a whole and sufficiently takes use of fuzziness.And literary works covering aesthetic translation theories such as On Yang Bi’s Translation of Vanity: An Aesthetic Perspective give the author great enlightenment as to use Translation Aesthetics.
