
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要




Stylistics is a bridge connecting linguistics and literary criticism. It is based on linguistics, and studies on the usage of language in literary works. Stylistics studies the connection between language features, thematic significance and aesthetic effect in the works, which provides a more objective method of interpreting and appreciating literary works for readers. Romeo and Juliet is the representative work of the literary giant Shakespeare in his early career. Nowadays, the tragic and beautiful love story is still widely circulated around the world. Liang Shiqiu is the first Chinese translator to translate Completed Works of Shakespeare completely into Chinese, who made a great contribution to translation. In the process of translation, Liang adopted prose style and the method of literal translation with addition of notes, and attempted to preserve original text's language features. This essay combines some related translation theories with stylistics theories at home and abroad, from micro perspectives of stylistics, such as lexical features and syntactical features; and macro perspectives, such as rhetorical devices, register and style to analyze some excerpts of the translation so that readers can have a better appreciation of the works from literary perspective. The author of the essay hopes that readers can appreciate the translation from a new perspective through the literary stylistic analysis of Romeo and Juliet translated by Liang Shiqiu. To some extent, the author of the essay also wishes that the research has an enlightening effect on other translations' studies and appreciations.

Key Words: stylistics; Romeo and Juliet; Liang Shiqiu; translation

1  Introduction
1.1 Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet
    Since the 1580s, the British drama entered into its booming period. The literary giant Shakespeare produced numerous distinguished plays at that time. Romeo and Juliet is believed as the most typical and the greatest love tragedy. The play not only embodies humanistic thoughts, namely, having positive attitudes on current life, treating happiness as the most important thing and considering the goal of life is to pursue individual freedom and happiness; but also reflects the adamantine mind of Romeo and Juliet to pursue their love and freedom. Therefore, when it was introduced into China in 20th century, it caused a big stir.
