
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘  要

语言与文化,相互作用并相互依存。语言是文化的载体;另一方面,文化又包含语言,语言属于文化的一部分。在英汉语言中有大量的动物词汇, 由于两大民族不同的历史、传统、习俗,以及不同的思维方式等,它们承载着不同的文化信息,带有鲜明的民族特征,体现着各自的文化内涵文化内涵上虽有相同或相似之处,英语论文,仍存在很多异同。

关键词: 动物词汇; 文化内涵; 翻译技巧; 跨文化

Language and culture are mutually dependent and inter-acting. Language is the carrier of culture; On the other hand, culture contains language and the language is part of culture. There are a lot of animal words in English and Chinese, because of the difference of history, tradition, custom, and the different thinking style of people, and they carry different cultural information, with distinctive national features, embodying their own cultural connotation. The cultural connotation although had the same or similar aspects, they still have many differences.
This article discusses how to deal with the cultural characteristics on the translation of animal words through the comparison and translation of animal words in English and Chinese, and the author also provides some translation skills to translate animal words well, so as to promote cross-cultural communication between Chinese and English.

Key words: animal words; cultural connotation; translation skills; cross-cultural communication

1 Introduction
Language and culture are mutually dependent and inter-acting, they go hand in hand. Language is the carrier of culture, and all cultural phenomena or appearances will be reflected in the use of language. On the other hand, culture contains language and the language that is part of culture. Language is influenced and shaped by culture, and it reflects culture. We have learned that animal words have their own features and cultural connotations in their own languages. Some of their cultural connotations and images are the same, but most of them are different, and some even exist only in their own language and make the vacancies between the two languages. These differences are caused by religion, history, geographical environment, customs, and so on. In the long advancement of human history development, animals continuously keep close contact with humanity’s survival, and have profound influence on the development of the humanity. Some are a kind of important food to people; some offer the labor for agriculture; some support the inspirations for some inventions of science and technology; and some are a kind of close friends of people, playing an important role in the mankind’s society.
