
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要




Movie is one of the most influential forms of art in the world. Since 1978,a growing number of English movies flooded into China’s movie market and become an indispensable part of Chinese people’s life. The translation of English movie is the media between Chinese culture and western culture. Movie title, as the brand of movie, has become a significant work in movie translation. A proper and good translation of movie title would not only contribute to attracting audience but also help audiences to understand movie. Thus, translator should consider audiences’ knowledge background, psychological needs and aesthetic tastes. This paper introduces the types and features of English movie, and analyzes the function of movie title. Based on the case analysis and comparative analysis, the strategies used in English movie title translation are concluded into four types: transliteration, literal, liberal and adaptation.

Key words: English movie; movie title; translation methods

1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
As a visual art, movie is one of the most influential forms of art in the world. Affected by globalization, movie has become a global art. Since the end of twentieth century when China started to implement Reform and Opening-up Policy, interchanges between China and other countries in the world, has become progressively frequent. Thus, a growing number of English movies flooded into China’s movie market and become an indispensable part of Chinese people’s life. Besides the fantastic performance of actors and attractive contents, a profound and memorable title can also attract thousands of audiences.
