
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





Parody, as a common figure of speech, is often used in modern advertising to make image more vivid. By modify or interpreting famous sayings or well-known proverbs, parody can derive new connotation or a new form to make the consumers feel amazed, interested and have a desire to buy. Four types of parody are discussed in this thesis: lexical parody, phrase parody, sentence parody and text parody. translation of parody in advertising is very important. The common translation strategies include literal translation, free translation, set translation and so on. A sucessful translation of parody not only makes the advertisement more vivid, but also gets double message. With the introduction and analysis of rhetorical features of parody, this paper attempts to show its incomparable artistic charm and commercial value. The principles and strategies of parody translation of English advertisements are also explored.

Keywords:  parody;English advertising;translation

In modern society, with the rapid development of various mass media and the need of commodity circulation, advertising not only grows stronger and more perfect, but also has been closely related to the people's life. Whether an advertisement can attract and move the readers or not, mainly lies in its liveliness and originality of the text. Advertising language has become the key to link advertising creation. Most of advertisements are displayed in the form of words. Rhetoric is a kind of unique artistic means for people to communicate effectively, and it has a strong rendering effect on atmosphere. Nowadays, due to the increasingly development of commercial advertising , as a good propaganda for products, rhetorical devices add to advertising language more beauty, artistic charm and appreciation value. So parody plays a significant role in this fertile land of advertising. English language elements which are known by consumers are modified or interpreted by parody in the English advertising, then it derives a new connotation or a new form to makes the advertisement attractive. At the same time, it aims at persuading consumers to purchase and promote products’ efficacy. To apply and translate parody in a right and effective way can strengthen the effect of advertisement, thus promoting business. This paper adopts the method of literature review and draw on researches about parody by scholars domestic and abroad. By analyzing parodies in ad, this paper aims at helping people understand and appreciate parodies in business advertisements.

