
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Abstract: With the further widening process of China’s opening up and increasingly frequent exchanges with foreign countries, more and more English movies have been introduced into China. English movie titles have gradually become a new issue on which English language researchers focus. This paper argues that Skopos Theory is an appropriate translation theory to conduct English movie title translation, because it is able to broaden the theoretical research field of English movie title translation, enables the translator to have enough room for creation and provides a theoretical basis for achieving the commercial value of a movie and winning box office. This paper, based on Skopos Theory, analyzes some translation phenomena of English movie titles combined with many examples. This paper also puts forward three translation strategies based on Skopos Theory including literal translation, free translation and creative translation.
Key Words: English movie titles; E-C translation; Skopos Theory

摘  要:随着中国对外开放进程的加快与海外影视著作交流的不断深入,越来越多的英文影片涌入中国的影视文化市场。英文电影片名也逐渐成为英语语言探讨者关注的一个新课题。本文认为用目的论来指导英文电影片名汉译是非常恰当的,它可以拓展英文电影片名翻译方面的理论探讨领域,英语论文范文,可以为译者创造力的发挥提供更大的空间,也可以为电影商业价值以及票房的实现提供理论保障。本文以目的论为理论基础,结合案例对电影片名翻译的现象作出了解释,提出英文电影片名汉译时应采用的三个主要翻译策略,分别是直译、意译和创造性翻译。

Movie is a comprehensive art and also one of the most attractive and influential mass media, which includes diverse artistic devices and supplies information, expresses emotion and reflects colorful life. It can not only reflect the diverse segments of society but also psychologically meet the needs of the audience. With the rapid development of China’s economy and the gradual increase of cultural exchanges between China and western countries, the Chinese audiences have more chances to enjoy the western movies. As a vital part of a movie, movie title plays the role of providing the essence of information and attracting the eyeballs of audiences. Movie title can not only highlight the movie content, convey the motif to the audiences, manifest the emotional tone of the movie, but also trigger the aesthetic awareness to the audiences, arouse their desire of appreciation and increase the box-office rate. However, the levels of literacy, appreciation and comprehension on the part of the Chinese audiences are quite different and the extents to which they know about western culture are not the same.
